
Wedding Planning

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All people on earth would like to create a happy family. Family begins with love, and of course since its inception – the ceremony of marriage. And it’s not just the ceremony – it is Birthday of Family. It is important that this event is filled with a soul with joy and light, helped even more deeply feel the harmony of the connection of two hearts. This birthday-day of your family, we offer you to spend in the mysterious and absolutely amazing country – Greece.

Greece – one of the warmest and most beautiful European countries – offers unlimited possibilities for you wedding. Ancient ruins of Athens, fabulous Santorini, the southern Peloponnese, with its endless white sandy beaches, sunny Crete, Corfu, surrounded by trees, – all this is Greece!

Romantic wedding in Greece can be done in the City Hall or in the hotel or directly on the beach at sunset. Also in Greece can be done ceremony of Orthodox wedding. Among the many places, we will find special and unique just for you. You will not be bothered by the cooking, vanity and unpleasant moments in organizational matters. The registration of marriage in Greece, in different cases, can be as symbolic as well as having filled legal force.

For more information on weddings in Greece, please contact us:

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+30 2103218648

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